- Great SMG – MP7
- 3 speed
- Versatile gadgets – C4 and Barbed wire
- Strongest wall breaching prevention gadget
- One armor
- Limited anti-intel capability
Defensive operator
Armor Rating
Speed Rating
Brunsmeier and his twin brother Cedrick joined the Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) the day after their eighteenth birthday.
Stationed with border patrol he would spend his first year getting accustomed to following orders and filing paperwork.

Operator guide
Detailed information on how to play Bandit R6 Siege
Caption title

What is the utility?
Breach Denial
- Breach denial for walls(s) – pick Bandit
- Breach denial for hatch(es) – pick Kaid
- drone denial – pick Mute
The main difference between Kaid & Bandit, versus Mute in Breach denial capability, is the destruction of impacted devices.
Bandit & Kaid destroy permanently offensive breaching utility such as Exothermic charges or X-Kairos, while Mute disables the possibility to detonate devices until Signal disruptor is dispatched.
In R6 Siege Bandit can also use his batteries to electrify Barbed wire, which results in electrified wires. Electrified wires deal 3 hp damage to attackers (defenders are not impacted) with every “tick”, while also distorting their view and giving sound cues (operator groans). They also destroy other operators’ electric gadgets (both attackers and defenders).
The main reason for using your battery to create such a combo is to fill in the Anti-Intel role by destroying attackers’ drones.
How to use utility?

If you are not sure which walls are best to be electrified, ask your teammates.
Thought process
- Your team composition
Check operators available on your roster. If other Breach denial operators are selected then discuss a plan of action with those teammates. - Team tactic
When deciding on surfaces to be electrified, ask your team about their plan. - Objective site structure
Consider the way the objective site is constructed. If the defended objective has walls leading to exteriors and you are the only Breach denial operator then your best bet is to focus on electrifying primarily those surfaces.
Teaming up
I generally recommend teaming up with Kaid in case Breach denial of the site is the primary focus of the defensive team.
Different scenarios are depending mainly on the usual objective site focus.
For that reason I would distinguish the following situations in R6 Siege, based on breaching focus which depends heavily on objective site:
Breaching wall(s) is the focus
Optimal team compositions:
– Bandit
– KaidPriorities for Breach denial(s):
Below assumes your team wants to focus on preventing a certain wall from being opened and not maximizing the number of walls being electrified.
First, Kaid can place his ElectroClaw on the prioritized wall(s)
Bandit should stay nearby the wall in case attackers brought Thatcher.
In case Kaid’s Claw(s) are dispatched, Bandit can take over denial by “Bandit tricking”.Reasoning:
Kaid’s Claw takes longer to deploy, which makes “Claw tricking” a significantly more difficult and less reliable task than “Bandit tricking”. Therefore, it is better to use Kaid’s utility first so that Bandit can have more batteries left for tricking. Additionally, Claws can be placed anywhere vertically on the wall which may cause trouble for attackers to get rid of it in the first place. Especially in the case where Thatcher is unavailable.Example of the objective site:
Border – Armory/Lockers or Office.Both wall(s) and hatch(es) are important
Optimal team composition:
– Bandit
– KaidPriorities for Breach denial(s):
Bandit should focus on electrifying external or other important walls.
Kaid’s priority should be electrifying hatches. In case only 1 hatch is important, Kaid can either keep 1 Claw in case an EMP is used on the hatch or help Bandit with electrifying walls.Reasoning:
Kaid is the only operator able to deny breaching reinforced hatch, hence his focus on hatch(es).
Bandit’s main task is always walls, having Kaid is not changing his role in this scenario.Examples:
Bank – Open Area & Kitchen
Clubhouse – Armory and ChurchBreaching hatch(es) is the key
Optimal team composition:
– KaidPriorities for Breach denial(s):
Kaid should electrify hatch(es).Reasoning:
I suggest selecting only Kaid as he is the sole operator that can deny breaching in such a scenario, so there is no benefit to bringing other Breach denial ops.
Unless, of course, Mute can jam hatch by placing his Signal disruptor on an elevated surface, right under the hatch (Bank – Kitchen or Oregon – Laundry). That’s however not possible on every objective site with important hatches above the site.Examples:
Chalet – Kitchen and Trophy Room
Bank – Lockers/CC TV
If you plan to stay on-site and actively Bandit trick, then you can spend preparation phase time on using your batteries and barbed wires to stop drones.
I highly recommend electrifying walls on which Mira’s mirrors have been placed on. Those are usually vital parts of a defensive setup that can make a difference between winning or losing a round.
Bear in mind that electrified objects can also destroy defenders’ gadgets, so communicate with your team when moving their gadget is required – i.e. if Jager put his ADS on the wall, ask him to put it on the floor next to the wall before you’re electrifying said wall.
- Mute can help Bandit with preventing his batteries from being shot by Shock drones
- Bandit and Kaid are a great combo as discussed above for the most efficient breach denial capacity of the defensive team
- Mira
Electrifying reinforced walls on which Black Mirrors are placed will protect them from Hard Breachers utility - Unlike other trap utilities, the Beartrap is not destroyed upon contact with electrified objects. Therefore, electrifying barbed wire at Frost trap location can result in killing attackers who get trapped in them.
- By providing info on Thermite’s position (which wall he places the charge on)
- Bandit’s batteries destroy permanently breaching devices placed on electrified walls
- Drones – Twitch and defaultDestroyed in contact with electrified objects. Mainly happens with electrified Barbed wire.
Countered by:
- Best counter. Can use EMP without a line of sight, as long as Bandit’s battery is within EMP’s range
- TwitchShock Drone can destroy a battery as long as it has a line of sight on it
- Detects Shock wires with the electronic detector and can shoot them through penetrable surfaces
- The torch is unaffected by Shock wires. The only hard breacher capable of creating an opening in an electrified reinforced surface
How to play -
Bandit R6 Siege

In R6 Siege Bandit is frequently used as a roaming operator, but he is worth being on the site.
This applies if the defensive team can benefit from active bandit batteries placing (Bandit tricking).
Otherwise, Bandit can be freely used as a roamer once his utility is set up on the site – Bandit’s utility is passive just like Jäger’s ADS, hence even if you die your team still benefits from your operator’s gadget.
- Mechanically simple utility for basic usage
- Requires good game sense to “Bandit trick”
- Map knowledge is required for the proper utilization of his gadget
Loadout guide - Bandit
R6 Siege
Available options
Universal gadgets

Nitro Cell
Throwable explosive, detonated remotely by user.
Can be pre-placed or used similarily to grenades.
Best counter to Shield operators and preventing defuser plant.

Barbed wire
Razor wire that can be placed on flat surfaces, which slows down attackers movement speed and creates noise.
Loadout suggestion
Loadout choices are individual aspect and rarely there is a “go to” loadout in R6 Siege.
Sight choices are purely personal and depend on the player’s playstyle, map, even objective & specific role.
Please treat the below suggestion as what it is – our preferences.
We encourage you to experiment to find your setup.
Remember, just because something works for someone else, does not mean it has to and will work for you!

Suggested loadout:
Primary weapon | Barrel | Grip | Scope |
MP7 | Flash hider | N/A | Reflex |
Secondary weapon | Barrel | Grip | Scope |
P12 | Muzzle brake | N/A | N/A |
Gadget |
Barbed wire |
Why such loadout?
The alternative primary weapon is M870.
It is a very strong shotgun when it comes to killing power and is probably the most reliable at a higher range. However, shotguns without SMG as a secondary weapon is not a preferred option due to very situational usage.
Lastly, universal gadget choices.
- opponents play shield operators heavily
- we are severely lacking explosives in our roster/we have a lot of wires already
- I have a predefined idea for C4 usage
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Bandit R6 Siege
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