Rainbow Six Siege Operation Demon Veil
Details of Rainbow Six Siege Year 7 Season 1 content update – Operation Demon Veil patch notes!
Rainbow Six Siege: OPERATION
Demon Veil
Rainbow Six Siege starts its Year 7 content with Season 1 called Operation Demon Veil.
The Y7S1 patch went live on the 15th of March 2022.
The 2022 starts strong as Demon Veil brings much of new content, despite not offering a new map, nor an extensive rework of an existing one. It does, however, offer very interesting operator addition – Azami – who is bound to become one of the most influential additions to Rainbow Six Siege in a long while!
Gameplay changes: New Features
Attackers' Repicks
The attacking squad can now re-select their operators during preparation phase.
This addition brings more flexibility to players’ selection of operators and increases the impact of droning in that initial phase of the round.
Deathmatch mode
Deathmatch game mode offers a playlist that can be used to practice aim or offer before jumping into more serious game modes, such as ranked.
The first team to get 75 kills, wins.
GOYO's Rework
Goyo has gone through a rework of his explosive unique utility.
Now, the operator brings a Volcan Canister instead of Deployable shield with an attached bomb to it.
As a result we get longer area denial and more flexibility in placement.
Sights distribution
This might be our favorite addition in Y7S1 patch:
Weapons have now access to all sights types from the level of magnification that they can be equipped with.
Example: Weapon with 1x sights can use now all types available in the game of reflex, holo and red dots.
Once activated, Banshee opens faster.
As a result, the weak point is vulnerable earlier.
Removed movement penalty when using Kali’s sniper rifle.
Kona stations will heal only players with less than 100% health.