- LMG – 80 bullets with ACOG on defense
- Useful utility
- Able to remodel site
- Three armor
- Long reload time on LMG
- Not as disruptive as Yokai drones
- One-speed
Defensive operator
- Intel gathering – Evil eyes provide visual information, even through smoke
- Disruption – turrets can shoot bolts that damage operators and destroy the utility
Armor Rating
Speed Rating
Operator Guide - Maestro
Table of Content
Adriano Martello, oldest in a family of eight children, attended the Military Academy of Modena. He joined the Carabinieri and later became Explorer Paratrooper in the 1st Paratrooper Regiment Tuscania. After several distinguished tours, earning Silver and Bronze Medals of Military Valor, Martello qualified for Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (Special Intervention Group) and participated in joint operations in Iraq where he was injured by a roadside IED. He engaged in multiple actions against homegrown threats in Italy and eventually became an instructor to train Tier 3 units in the Italian military.
Martello went into private consultation and opened a top-rated operator bootcamp to teach advanced techniques to Tier 3 units and private military companies. The Tuscania eventually convinced Martello to re-enlist to help upgrade one of their Special Forces units, which enabled him to join Rainbow as an Italian representative.

Operator guide
Detailed information on how to play Maestro R6 Siege operator

What is the utility?
- cameraMaestro can turn turrets just like Valkyrie’s Black Eyes and can see through smoke similar to Bulletproof cameras.In this mode, the turret is resistant to gunshots but can be destroyed or disabled by multiple other utilities available on the attacking side.
On top of that, Evil Eyes are now less resistant to melee attacks.
When hit with a melee punch, the external glass of the device is shattered, which makes the device opaque. Shattered Evil Eye can be still used for sound cues or for the second mode of usage… - turretThis mode requires Maestro to “activate” the turret by holding the Aim Down Sight button, which takes around 1 second to activate entirely.While active Evil eye “opens” its gunshot-resistant glass covering firing mechanism and as a result can be shot or hit by a melee attack.Turret mode allows Rainbow Six Siege Maestro to fire rapidly bolts that damage the impacted operator for five hp per bolt. Turret shoots approximately four bolts per second, with a maximum of 20 bolts fired consecutively until overheating.When firing bolts Evil eye’s heating meter fills up and when shots are not fired meter lowers 20 % per second.Overheating prevents Maestro from shooting with turret until the full cooldown is reached, which takes 5 seconds.On top of damaging operators, Evil eye can destroy various attacking utility, such as drones, breaching charges, Exothermic charges, etc.
How to use utility?
Placement thought process:
maximize area coverage
Try to place Evil Eye where it covers a wide and long angle.
Please note however that wide coverage may be tricky to utilize as turret can be turned only by Rainbow Six Siege Maestro when he is alive!
make turret hard to destroy
Don’t limit yourself to the objective site only
New players might need some time to figure where could they place turret outside of the objective room. Such placement increases the potential risk of utility being destroyed but may give valuable intel and allow destroying attacking utility
Place turret with view on planting position
Don’t get greedy firing bolts.
Turn turret away when stopping active mode.
Try to find balance in using turrets.
- smoke plants
- Twitch Shock Drones
- Iana’s Hologram
Countered by:
- EMP temporarily disables Evil eyes and opens bulletproof glass.
- TwitchShock drone can “zap” Evil eye disabling it temporarily. Opens bulletproof glass for the duration, which can be used to zap turret again to destroy it
- explosivesFrag grenades, breaching rounds, or lifelines destroy turrets placed within their explosion radius.
- Smashing turret with hammer destroys it
- Using the torch on the turret destroys it permanently
- Logic bomb prevents Rainbow Six Siege Maestro from using Evil eyes until the phone is “answered.” Hacking a dead defender’s phone will allow
Since the Y6S2 update, Evil Eyes are also susceptible to melee attacks. The external glass of the turret becomes shattered, limiting potential usage of the gadget.
How to play -
Maestro R6 Siege

Loadout guide -
Maestro R6 Siege
Available options
Universal gadgets

Impact Grenade
A grenade exploding on impact. It is primarily used for opening holes in surfaces.

Barbed wire
Razor wire that can be placed on flat surfaces, which slows down attackers movement speed and creates noise.
Loadout suggestion
Loadout choices are an individual aspect, and rarely there is a “go-to” loadout in R6 Siege.
Sight choices are purely personal and depend on the player’s playstyle, map, even objective & specific role.
Please treat the below suggestion as what it is – our preferences.
We encourage you to experiment to find your setup.
Remember, just because something works for someone else, does not mean it has to and will work for you!

Suggested loadout:
Primary weapon | Barrel | Grip | Scope |
ALDA 5.56 | Compressor | Vertical grip | Holographic |
Secondary weapon | Barrel | Grip | Scope |
Bailiff 410 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Gadget |
Barbed Wire |
Why such loadout?
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Maestro R6 Siege
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